I remember seeing commercials for this stuff ever since I was a kid:
http://www.plastidip.com/home_solutions/Plasti_Dip Well I just recently purchased a can of the black dip to use on the new battery hold down strap on my modified CBR/FT500 Hybrid Bike. This stuff is really cool! Just follow the directions & use it on a medium weather, or better, type of day & it works great. It was nice out when I started to use the product, but then it started to rain. The instructions on the can warn against high humidity. The results were still good enough for what I wanted though so all is well. The instructions recommend a 30 minute wait between coats. I recommend a longer wait & maybe even over night. On my first attempt the coating became too thick & began to sag, so I wiped it all off & started over. It would probably be a good idea to pick up a small container of the proper thinner as listed in the instructions. The product tends to thicken in the can with exposure to air.
It is truly a very neat product with lots of possibilities.
Good luck