Author Topic: How To: Kick-start in FT500 engine  (Read 31348 times)


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How To: Kick-start in FT500 engine
« on: April 28, 2020, 04:26:45 am »
Hi all,

As anounced in my own project topic I am putting a kick-start in my FT.
I am trying to document the process as good as possible and want to make a nice write up so anyone wanting to do this doesn't have to go through the same issues as I did/do.

The first version is ready although my conversion is far from finished, everything in red still needs to be added or changed, either because I haven't done it yet or because I don't know if it is relevant.
Please let me know your first thoughts.
Any recommendations or changes in wording are very welcome (English is not my mother tongue).
You can download the attachment to this post or find a link here!Amj0fLN0haAwiUOWM4SkVWkYCmPS?e=WJP0VD.

Some considerations I would like some feedback on.
1) Is it clear and easy to understand?
2) Am I elaborating too much on topics that are not relevant to the installation of the kickstart itself (like splitting the engine, replacing the outputshaft seal, adding a helicoil to the head cover bolts (could make seperate how to's))
3) Am I missing any interesting parts that you feel could make it more complete.


Edit: Added a better description and pictures for the kickstart installation and the machining of the head cover
Edit: Newest version added
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 04:23:51 am by kansloos161 »


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Re: How To: Kick-start in FT500 engine
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2020, 04:12:57 am »
Looks pretty good. There are some dimensions still to be added, but your English is very good.


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Re: How To: Kick-start in FT500 engine
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2020, 08:27:07 am »

Newest version added to the first post.
Do you think I should also add something about the outputshaft seal?
Will make a seperate how to on helicoils in the cylinder head.


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Re: How To: Kick-start in FT500 engine
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2020, 09:35:14 am »
Got a bit further today and changed some part of the how-to.
Also discovered that we cannot use a XL500R stator cover unfortunately.


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Re: How To: Kick-start in FT500 engine
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2020, 01:44:31 am »
I love following your work! I can't tell if the guides you have written are easy to follow or not (but they do look good), I will know once I decide to go for the kick-start as well.