First Generation Ascots > The Thumper Years: Modified To Full Customs

FT500 Vintage racer

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Already building the engine up again.
Got the cylinder back with a fresh new bore and hone, immediately painted it with some heat resistant paint.
Properly seated the valves, got the new crank in, new seals, used red RTV to give it a bit of contrast to the oil and gunk in the engine. (had some issues identifying the excess RTV from the PO in the engine.
Gapped the pistonrings and installed the cylinder.
New camchain, camchaintensioner spring and swapped out the clutch center for a second hand I had lying around. The old one had too much wear on the inside for my liking.
Now waiting for the thread insert for my spark plug before I can reassemble the cylinder head.

Nice work.

Did some nice jobs over the Easter weekend.
First I prepped the starting system for needle bearings.
You have to grind the 2 steel bushings in half to get them out (or remove them in another way) and you have to grind away a 1 mm step in de bottom of the engine side casing.

Not a hard job but one you have to do very carefully. You do not want to overshoot and damage the surface area of the bore where the needle bearings will fit.

I also fitted a thread insert in the sparkplug hole which finally completed the complete overhaul of the cylinder head.

After that I reinstalled the head and set the cam on the correct timing. Having the camchain tensioner compressed and held in place with a small pin really helps a lot. This gives a lot more play on the chain. I had to readjust the timing a couple of times to get it right.

When gently threading the headcover bolts back in I noticed 2 threads stripped. I did check all the threads in the head and where necessary fitted helicoils but it seems that the 2 that I did not helicoil decided that they wanted to cause me trouble. I will have to remove the headcover again to fix this as it are the 2 next to the cam that put the proper preload on the cam bearing surface.
(number 2 and 4 in the tightening sequence).

I did get some paint from the clutch cover, will have to clean it up a bit more but I like the overall look.

Keep plugging along. Good work!


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