I owned my first VT Ascot in 1988. One day I was running along the coast on I-5 in Southern California & had the whole road to myself. I tucked behind the little quarter windshield that was on that bike & pinned the throttle. The speedo climbed to 120 & stayed there.
More recently I tried the same on another road with the VT Ascot that I own now & it went up to 100 easily, but felt like it really didn't want to go any faster. This bike has a lot more miles on it than my first Ascot & I'm probably a good 60lbs heavier than I was back then. This bike doesn't have any form of quarter fairing or windshield either.
I'm just curious what type of speeds other folks have reached. I realize that the OEM Ascot speedo & tach may not be very accurate on the top end, but what else do we have to go by other than after-market gauges or a radar gun.
