Author Topic: Carb screw backed out?  (Read 37213 times)


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Carb screw backed out?
« on: May 10, 2014, 08:47:48 pm »
Never had any problem with my ascot before. Took it for a ride today, and went to walmart and went in for a bit, came back out and screwed with the big plastic idle knob. That IS the idle knob, right? Lowered the idle a little too much, the bike backfired and died. Raised it back up and started it back up, and the bike would not stay running. Kept popping (much quieter) and trying to die at idle, but ran fine at high speed. Seemed a little lean but ran fine above 3000 rpm so i limped it home (one mile).....

got home and started messing with it, and saw that the popping was coming out of between the engine and the plastic intake manifold. The top screw is backed WAY out, theres a gap there (air leak), and theres a little gasket material sticking out.

Did i do something worse than what it seems? Looks like i can just pop a new gasket in and torque the screws down. Did i hurt it? :/


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Re: Carb screw backed out?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2014, 02:00:46 am »
Hey Adam, don't worry, you most likely didn't suffer any permanent damage. :) What sort of gasket material was sticking out? I've never had my manifold off, but an on-line parts schematic shows it is sealed with "O" rings, rather than a paper gasket. I would try tightening the loose manifold bolts back up first and see how the bike runs.     


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Re: Carb screw backed out?
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2014, 10:10:07 am »
Ok, thanks for that! I didn't see a gasket and what i saw didnt look much like a gasket...figured it was a real thin paper gasket. I dont know what it is and it doesnt even neccessarily look like it came out of the sealing area. Could be flashing from the plastic molding process or black paint for all i know, honestly.

I will tighten it and see how it runs. It did have good power still..


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Re: Carb screw backed out?
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2014, 10:46:10 am »
The o-ring is definitely what is sticking out.

How hard is it to change it and do you have the part number by any chance? :)


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Re: Carb screw backed out?
« Reply #4 on: May 11, 2014, 12:41:09 pm »
Here is a couple of links to Bike Bandit motorcycle parts.

I see that Bike Bandit is stating that the O-Ring is not available. You can probably find another O-Ring the same size or real close at any well stocked old fashioned hardware store like ACE. Sounds like you have a vacuum leak & are sucking air. You might try to take apart the section where the O-Ring is hanging out, inspect the O-Ring for any cuts or flattened spaces & if it looks OK, try to reuse it. You can also add a small amount of black RTV to the O-Ring. Just put a dab of RTV between your fingers & run the cleaned O-Ring between your fingers to apply a light coating.

What are you doing making carb, or any other engine adjustments, in some parking lot away from home? You want to try that stuff from the comfort of your home base, so you don't get stranded somewhere. The Ascot is not a very heavy bike, but pushing any bike home pretty much sucks.

Good luck


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Re: Carb screw backed out?
« Reply #5 on: May 11, 2014, 12:57:01 pm »
Here is the Partzilla listing:
Looks like they have the O-Ring listed as available. Even lists the size of the O-Ring as a (40X2.4).

Service Honda is also supposed to be a good source of parts:

Good luck


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Re: Carb screw backed out?
« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2014, 01:53:23 pm »
Here is a couple of links to Bike Bandit motorcycle parts.

I see that Bike Bandit is stating that the O-Ring is not available. You can probably find another O-Ring the same size or real close at any well stocked old fashioned hardware store like ACE. Sounds like you have a vacuum leak & are sucking air. You might try to take apart the section where the O-Ring is hanging out, inspect the O-Ring for any cuts or flattened spaces & if it looks OK, try to reuse it. You can also add a small amount of black RTV to the O-Ring. Just put a dab of RTV between your fingers & run the cleaned O-Ring between your fingers to apply a light coating.

What are you doing making carb, or any other engine adjustments, in some parking lot away from home? You want to try that stuff from the comfort of your home base, so you don't get stranded somewhere. The Ascot is not a very heavy bike, but pushing any bike home pretty much sucks.

Good luck

Havent had much sleep the last couple of days or i probably wouldve already ordered it from bikebandit. Couldnt even get their in my mind.

It was just an idle speed adjustment. Shouldnt have had any potential of problem. I was only a mile from home anyway. If i hadnt made the adjustment i wouldnt have found out the carburetor was about to fall off and would have gotten even farther from home. :)

And yeah, the o-rings not in any way salvagable. I'll get two of em ordered today. :)


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Re: Carb screw backed out?
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2015, 01:08:24 pm »
What did the header from mark cost? Trying to weigh my options as well. Is it still available from him ?