Looking good, really needs a smaller seat now

I've bitten the bullit and I will do the kickstart conversion.
Ripped the engine out this morning and did a check if indeed there is a hole for the kickstart (better safe then sorry).
The engine is now upside down on a little workbench because I will be splitting the block by taking the bottom half of instead of the full head, cilinder, and then splitting from the top as per the manual.
I will keep making foto's of the process so let me know if there is a need/want for a write-up of how to split the engine upside down too

Officially ordered my XL parts now, so what I have coming my way:
- Kickstart axle with all springs etc
- XL clutch cover, you can take the plug in the kickstart hole out of your FT cover but you would still miss the hole for the automatic decompression, as I want to have this system I just got the correct side cover and lever.
- XL cilinder head cover with decompression handle and spring. You could have your FT head cover machined or... just buy the piece
- XL decompression cable
- XL stator cover. I am going to see if I can fit the FT stator in this to really clean up the engine and loose the whole e-start part.