Author Topic: Best source for larger Carb jets and specific year hurricane and CBR fork swap?  (Read 33118 times)


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Hi guys,

I'm trying to revive my efforts to get to work on my FT500s and trying to "catch up" a bit on 2 items. I see thumper stuff no longer lists the larger carb jets reccomended to swap out to.  Am I missing something, or has anyone used and updated source to order those larger jets? Same with the master carb rebuild kit too. Raddacks? (I think) shows the kits as "out of stock", so I'm wondering if there are any alternative resources for the jets and carb rebuild kits.

My other question revolves around specific years of the Hurricane forks that will fit the FT?  I've seen "mid 80's" but is there a specific year range I need to be looking for? I'm guessing the "89 CBR 600" fork fit means just that, the 1989 year only? Part two of this question is about rear wheel swaps too. I seem to not be able to locate the info on that. I'm ready to get the FTs I have going and have a little fun with them!  Any help to jog my memory is appreciated.


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Don't always trust web-sites to be up to date. Try placing a couple of phone calls for updated information.

ThumperStuff has several items that aren't listed on the site. The jets being one of them. Call Mark & he will set you up. You might as well order a 16-17 tooth countershaft sprocket to go with those new jets.

I believe the CBR info is listed, but it might be in several posts. To the best of my limited knowledge... You are looking for first generation CBR600 Hurricane. I don't know how many years the first generation covers. I think it is 1987-90. I found an '89 for a donor & those parts slide into place. The rear wheel swap info is the same as the front. 1987-90 CBR600 Hurricane rear wheel assembly slides into place. You need every single part that fits on the CBR rear axle. Slide it into the Ascot swingarm & then you need to fabricate a bracket to locate the rear caliper. That's about it.

Good luck


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Awesome.  I'll give thumper parts a call and check on those.....A good reminder I needed to do that, so much appreciated.

It does sound like a donor bike is the way to go for the items I need as well and the "1st generation" rang a bell for me to see what ranges define those. I think I may have found one not too far away for about $500.  Thanks again for the info and the sprocket info too!


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Yes, if you can find a whole donor bike you would be better off than trying to piece it together. Then maybe you can part out what's left & make your money back.



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Agreed on the donor. I finally found your post on the front/rear hurricane rim swap. A great reference. What rear brake bracket and front and rear tire sizes did you end up with on that swap?


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I made a bracket out of 1" aluminum strap. The bike is not completed yet so the bracket has not been ride tested yet.

I used Avon Road Rider tires in the original size intended for the 17" CBR wheels (Can't recall the sizes at this time). I think there is a 130 series tire in the back. I like to use the narrow tires for better cornering.

When looking for a donor, make sure you check how thick the brake disks are. The Hurricane disks are expensive to replace. I use a thickness gauge like this one: You need a tool that will reach past the outside ridge on the disks.

That's about all that I can think of. The CBR600 Hurricane swap is real easy & the parts slip right into place like they belong. The forks slip right up into the Ascot triple clamps & the rear wheel/brake assembly slides right into the swingarm. Here is my post on the swap:  One of these days I might actually get off my backside & complete the project.

Here is some CBR600 Hurricane info:

Good luck
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 10:47:35 am by J6G1Z »


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Thanks for the info and links once again and they will come in handy. I'm in the same boat of needing to get re-started on my ascots, and work and the desert heat this time of the year make it more difficult. Riding a heavy bike, and longing for a light bike to have fun on in the canyons motivates a bit however, so I'm back to at least assembling my list of parts for them and getting them all in one place.

I see in the FT500 FAQ one of the guys is lauding using the font end of a Honda Hawk GT, and says it virtually bolts right in, and is less prone to disc cracking of the hurricane. It seems like he may be more oriented toward the track, but I'm wondering if anyone has any feedback on that swap? I'm assuming the rear for a hawk gt may not be a direct bolt in, but he didn't mention it either way.


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Yes, I remember reading that Hawk GT information also. I didn't pursue it, due to not finding many Hawks to grab parts from. I don't know if the Hawk rear wheel will fit, but I'm guessing probably not. The CBR600 Hurricane rear wheel is only 3.5" wide if I recall correctly & it looks like that size pretty much fills up the space in the swingarm. I do know that a 160 series tire is too wide to fit in the swingarm without hitting on the front right side.

Where abouts are you located? I used to live in the hottest corner of Arizona & I'm familiar with hiding out from the heat. That is what is mostly keeping me out of the work shed right now. It's above 90 degrees & humid. :-[



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I did end up calling Mark at Thumper parts and picked up 2 sets of the jets today for the two different bikes I'm working on, so that call worked well, and I picked up a few other items, (master cylinder rebuilds and steering head bearings) I'll need as well.  I ended up finding some carb parts from parts n more (fuel bowl gasket and neeldes), so at least I'm off to a start anyway. I'm going to scan and do an inventory of what else I need, and add to my "mental list" of tires, chain, brake pads, fuel line and filter, oil filter, spark plugs and a few other things.

I'm going to check into the hawk front end, but in the end I would like to have matching front and rear wheels that fit as well.

I'm in Southern Utah, so we've been hot and dry. Awesome riding in the canyons, and high desert, but this time of the year, we also head to the mountains, which aren't too far away either.