Author Topic: how reliable is your ascot?  (Read 41266 times)


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how reliable is your ascot?
« on: June 08, 2014, 05:04:03 pm »
on a scale of 1-10 what do you feel is the reliability of your ft500?

i bought mine with less than 13k on it, it was kept in a barn for 15 years, then a guy bought it and rode it once a week bar hopping.

i bought it and put 500 miles a week on it. (if its running).

out of 6 bikes ive owned,  this is by far the least reliable. id give it a 2 of 10.


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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 06:47:36 pm »
I'll give mine a solid 8. Until recently it's been pretty a reliable bike.


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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2014, 12:11:44 am »
Reliable I'd give mine a solid 7. Its pretty good but does need constant attention to preform properly. And there was that one time it left me stranded..

But! Not the most unreliable bike I've owned.
1982 FT500
Conti Classic Attack tires
Foam filter mod
Round headlight
Rejetted carb
Progressive springs
Supertrapp muffler
Thumperstuff header


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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2014, 12:45:36 pm »
I bought my first FT Ascot in un-running condition. The P/O told me that the old battery had died. He then bought one of those cheap Chinese batteries & it wouldn't charge. He thought that the generation system was bad. The bike only had a bit over 6K on it. I took the gamble & bought the bike even though it failed to start no matter what we tried.

Once I started looking into it, all the bike needed was a new "quality" battery. The new battery that was in the bike, came out of the box with a dead cell & couldn't hold enough charge to start the bike. Once I bought a "Made In The USA" AGM battery, the bike fired right up. That has been the only time that I've had to make any repairs to the bike. My FT Ascot is my "Go-To" bike, that I would most likely choose over the others for 90% of my riding. My FT has never let me down & performs excellently. I would rate it as an 8 or 9.

When buying a used Japanese bike, you should always try to locate & purchase a bike with 10K or less miles on it. A total of 3 previous owners, or less, is a good sign also.

Condition....  Condition....  Condition.... Is what you should be examining. How often has the bike been serviced? Does it show clean oil on the dipstick, or is it black? Carefully smell the oily dipstick to see if you can detect the smell of gasoline. The smell of gas is not a good sign. At the least, it could mean that the oil & the bike have set for a long time. At the worst, it could mean that you have leaky rings, valves, valve guides, etc. Check everything out & don't just let the owner tell you how cool the bike is. Remember that when buying an older bike, you should expect to spend some money after the sale. You might need to buy a new battery, or new tires, chain & sprockets, brakes, etc. At the very least, you should be ready to change out all the fluids/lubes/etc.

You also NEED to buy a SERVICE MANUAL!!!

Good luck


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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2014, 05:17:24 pm »
what brand AGM battery did you buy, where and for how much?
Mel :-\
When you stop laughing, the joke is on you!
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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2014, 09:32:57 pm »
what brand AGM battery did you buy, where and for how much?
Mel :-\

I usually buy from my local Batteries Plus store. Looks like they have changed their top of the line Made In The USA AGM battery to a Duracell:


Joe D.

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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2014, 11:05:36 pm »
Great, if I make sure the battery is charged. ;D


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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2014, 06:50:44 pm »
I'd really like to report how reliable mine is, after all the stuff I've done to it,the header, jets, air filter, etc- but my muffler welds were really sophomoric & I am chomping at the bit to get my SuperTrapp back from the welder who is "really busy". Christ, I haven't ridden it in 2 months!


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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2014, 06:03:44 am »
My ascot was really reliable, I couldn't keep my hands of her however and from a 8 out of 10 its down to a 2 out of 10 on reliability now.
My fault completely.
With the cbr900rr forks conversion I also got rid of the original dash which left a lot of wires exposed, I should have cleaned this up properly, now I'm stuck with al sorts of electrical problems. She looks great though :D.


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Re: how reliable is your ascot?
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2014, 10:09:30 am »
...With the cbr900rr forks conversion I also got rid of the original dash which left a lot of wires exposed, I should have cleaned this up properly, now I'm stuck with al sorts of electrical problems. She looks great though :D.

When I did my swap, I eliminated that box that holds the two fuses. I took it apart down to the plastic square that the fuses clip into. I then wrapped it with electrical tape so it could not make any contact & tucked it into the headlight housing. I have a round headlight & don't know if there is enough room in the rectangular headlight.

To do a real clean job of it. I should have bought 2 inline fuse holders like what is used for an after-market stereo & spliced those in. Then that fuse holder box could be elinminated altogether.
