You're right for all.
but I always want more.
Like me my friend !
However, some precision :-increasing the compression by one full point
Really very effective. We spoke about it.
I said it, these engines support it very well.
I have to explain knowing quite the range of V2 Honda, that very often from a model to the other one, the manufacturer gives us the solutions.
For example, the first 600 Transalp was more powerful than the following vintage years.
The air inlet is bigger, the regulations of carbus more hardly and the finer cylinder head gasket. (It seems, for a question of error of supplier.)
-performance camshafts from MegaCycle Cams (Thanks for the link, in France we have to make it do by ourselves.)
Detail first: the camshafts of the hawk is different.
Not by the dimension of the heights of cams (10/40/40/10) but by the shape of their tree.
Because of the gearing of the rev-counter of the VT500. On the hawk, it is electronic. (I think you know that)
I say it because MegaCycle does not say it on its document.

We do not have to think that they are exchangeable !

In brief, as I said it to you, my topspeed (128mph) was made without getting new cams.
I often remained red zone there to obtain the speed maxi. (9500 rpm)
It was necessary to me to resume more often the games in the valves.
I think while the mechanics would not support more.
I do not want to weaken more the mechanics.
Hawk with its biggest valves, takes more advantage.
I also had serious difficulties with the fire chamber and cooling.
The hawk makes better !

The links of hoarse air valves, carbonized pistons, the support of cracked camshaft, I gave !

I saw in other occasions, that 10000 rpm seemed to be a limit.
That is why, I do not advise too strong camshafts on the VT500. So I ignore what makes Megacycle really on it.

Also a trick: it is easier to obtain the top speed in 5. (without de 6 overdrive.)
I don't suspect there is much than can be done with the carbs other than jetting. I don't suppose that there are a pair of larger venturi canted carbs that will fit between the cylinders.
You're right.
Honda limited voluntarily carbs.
Because of the world pollution !
The carburation is one of my specialities.
For now, I would like to integrate the carbs of the Transalp. (32mm to 34mm)
It puts some concerns of which we shall speak again later...

About cornets, it also favors the top speed but it's to the detriment of the Strength.
Sorry, don't you think possible that it would maybe be interesting to put our discussion in another thread?