Got my carb problems fixed yesterday (I have depression issues...). Took it for a test ride followed by around 80 miles of riding. Of course the bike had been sitting for a while and i hadn't charged the battery or anything. Rode it multiple times today. In the middle of the night I took a 2up night ride with my girlfriend. Stopped to stretch our legs wouldnt start. clickclickclickclick. We push started it and got it going, and the headlights got a little brighter as we drove on...we were quite a ways from home too. Made it all the way home. When we got home i shut it off and the lights instantly died. This tells me that the alternator was working atleast somewhat.
I dunno why the battery would just die in the middle of the summer like that. Had no problems starting it whatsoever earlier. How should i diagnose the battery vs the alternator?
Also, i had the battery and battery box removed from the bike while i worked on the carb. The battery cables were all tight. The little connection into the round thing by the battery, which i had disconnected during the work, was still tight and everything....
Thanks in advance.