Author Topic: speedo drive  (Read 26065 times)


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speedo drive
« on: August 29, 2014, 06:09:00 am »
The speedo drive on my Ascot was broken when i got it, ordered a replacement from a salvge company on ebay, recived it yesterday and it looked ok, moved freely and seemed in good condition. Installed it last evening, took short 1 mile test ride and worked well, on my way to work this morning got out on open road as soon as i hit 55 mph the speedo quit working, I'm going to assume the drive went again. My question, is this a common problem for the ascot or do i have a problem with the wheel end of the drive system. And is there any alternative speedo drives that work. I would like to keep the origanal speedo if i can. Thanks
CB750 café, CB350 hardtail, XS650 hardtail,    78 CB750 supersport, 82 FT Ascot


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Re: speedo drive
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 09:04:09 am »
I don't recall many complaints about the speedo cables or drive unit.

You might have just received another bad cable. Here is a listing for a new cable:

I have used Bike Bandit off & on over the years & have always received great service.

Good luck


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Re: speedo drive
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2014, 11:38:26 am »
My cable was ok, the platic gear in the drive had the 2 engament lugs broke off and i couldn't turn the drive gear. The new drive seemed free and the lugs were sharp and looked new thats why im asking if maybe i have a problem with the driver part of the wheel/ hub. I was looking at the drives for the 84 Shadow 500 and it looks identical as the FT drive but the gear looks to be cast metal not plastic, wondering if that may be a better replacement
CB750 café, CB350 hardtail, XS650 hardtail,    78 CB750 supersport, 82 FT Ascot


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Re: speedo drive
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2014, 12:57:39 pm »
I think I'd be inclined to try that Shadow gear & get rid of the plastic one.

I've never really been inside that hub & checked it out. On one of my bikes it is just serving as a spacer, as I went to a Trail Tech digital gauge with a magnetic pick-up.

Good luck & please let us know what you find out.


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Re: speedo drive
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2014, 11:59:37 am »
finally got the speedo drive sorted out, the first replacement that worked 7 miles broke at the cable end of the drive, the flat that inserts into the cable broke sam with the 500 shadow drive. By the way the gear in the shadow drive is not metal still plastic. The original drive from my ascot still had the flat intact so i put a good gear in from one of the other drives, the gearing is the same. When putting it back together found out my drive is 1/8 inch thicker than the other two replacements, i think the first was also from a shadow, but the result and failure was  the cable hitting the fork tube and exerting pressure on the flat. Third time is the charm!
CB750 café, CB350 hardtail, XS650 hardtail,    78 CB750 supersport, 82 FT Ascot