Author Topic: Project VTAscot500  (Read 108361 times)


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Project VTAscot500
« on: August 29, 2014, 06:08:29 pm »
Bought it two weeks ago for 500 euro.
Looked good when I bought it but I found some minor problems when i was riding around town last week.

How I bought it.


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 06:24:29 pm »
I wanted a low budget, reliable light single or a twin. The budget was 700 euro.
Would love to own a dr350, xs650, GB500, SR500 or XT500 but they are to expensive over here.
My plan was to buy a XL500R but than I found out the 17" rear and 23" front rim have these rare tire sizes. That means very limited options for the tires so I changed my mind. Almost bought a GN400 but I was to late, someone else bought the only one I could find just before me.

Than two weeks ago a VT500Ascot popped up on speurders( a dutch marketplace site simular to craigslist). Always thought they would be a great starting point for a custom.


They are light for a V-twin, have a great sound, cool 2 in 1 exhaust, fantastic looking 18" rims, narrow, nice looking frame and they are relativity fast for a 500 twin. It's got the reliable VT500 shadow engine so that means lot's of cheap spare parts.


On the downside they have a hideous headlight plus the electrics are hidden below the headlight...? The front forks air-assisted 37mm front fork have a strange rake and are to soft. It's got a (heavy) shaft drive, and it's water cooled so that means it's got a radiator up front, don't like that very much.

The VT's have a double tube backbone that allows the air cleaner tract to run up to the carbs. The Fuel Tank tunnel is very wide so the options for swapping a tank are very limited.

No bike is perfect and "problems" can be fixed so I decided to try it. I did a short test drive and I instantly knew I wanted to own the Ascot. It's a lot of fun! It sounds just like a mini Ducati(in my imagination, haha) and it sort of looks like a mini XR 750 Harley :) With a new exhaust this thing will sound amazing, I hope

Bought it from a man who fixed it up for his wife. He told me she did no like riding a motorcycle after all so she stopped using it and he needed to sell it again. If that's a true story or not, I don't know but the bike looked to be in great shape for 500 euro. The bike runs great, he repainted the wheels, and some parts parts he painted red, don't ask me why. It's not the same colour red and it looks horrible so I'll have to repaint that.

My plans with project VT500Ascot
I have a blog called, maybe some of you know it. On this blog I show, choppers, bobbers, scramblers, drag racers, caferacers, street trackers, etc
I love custom bikes in lot's of different styles.  So when I bought the Ascot my plan was to customize it myself with some help from my friends :)

At the moment I'm thinking Jeff Wright x Hidemo x Red Hot Motorcycles, ha! Or a superbikers/speedway inspired bike.
or a dessert sled... Probably a mix of everything but whatever it will be it will be very much inspired by low budget amateur racers from the past. That's where the magic happens :)

Dropped the front fork 4 cm, so I'll have more pressure on the front wheel. It felt a little light..
Painted some of the red stuff.
Tried some different handle bars.
Did not like the stock(?) tomaselli bar. To high and I did not like the angle.
Changed it for a classic dirt bike Handlebar.

And found out the front fork has some dents in the chrome...
When I bought the bike it was raining so I looked at the bike under a roof. Not the best light over there... I also missed the the fact that the engine and exhaust pipes where painted probably with a rattle can in a different black than the rest of the bike. Done without removing it from the bike so it has a gradient in black going from the original shiny black to the rattle can matte black.. Yikes!
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 05:55:07 am by lennyway »


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2014, 06:29:02 pm »
Today I started removing parts
The radiator cap is missing in this picture...
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 06:08:37 am by lennyway »


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2014, 06:56:15 pm »
I live in Amsterdam in a apartment building on the third floor.
My bikes are standing under the building. On the ground floor I have a small place for my bicycles, tools and spare parts. It's not big enough to put my motorcycles inside and there's no electricity.
So when I want to use the grinder, etc I throw a extension cord from the balcony and start wrenching on the sidewalk.

I made some mockup with stock and old parts that I had lying in the shed.

« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 05:54:25 am by lennyway »


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2014, 07:08:16 pm »
I have a vintage Hella rear light that I want to use, and I'm looking for a new rear fender but since I don't have a welding machine I first made this temporary version with the old metal fender that is hiding under the stock plastic fender plus I re-used the stock rear light.

Also 2 new blinkers.

I like this rough new look :)

To Do list:

Mounting the vintage Hella rear light on a new fender
Reshaping the front fender and side panels with a grinder
Painting the gas tank, fenders and side panels
Find a new round mirror
Removing the fuse box from the handlebar
New handle bar, this one is crooked
New speedo en tacho meters
Shortening the exhaust or a new slip-on
powdercoating the wheels
new tires
reshaping the seat
and some more :)
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 05:49:45 am by lennyway »


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2014, 08:16:09 pm »

Sorry but no more photos ?   ;D

The French Forum.


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #6 on: August 29, 2014, 10:33:16 pm »
Only your first picture is showing.

I would really prefer that the membership use the forums software for attachments vs. just sticking up links to image sites. There is nothing more irritating than a post where the pictures have all disappeared.

Thank you


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2014, 05:24:38 am »
Hi Lenny, congrats on your purchase. Looking forward to hearing more about your ascot. Dont forget to post pictures of your work.


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2014, 05:59:08 am »
Sorry about that dudes!
I linked pictures from my gmail. Now I know that doesn't work...!
This time I used my blog pictures, this should work. :)
Enjoy the pics :)


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2014, 06:18:40 am »
Here's a little fotosoup of my future plans :)

I made this before I changed my stock ascot.
In the photosoup I shortened the rear seat but now I'm planning to just change the height of the seat a little.
The bike in the picture I found online, that's not mine.


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2014, 10:23:05 am »
Hey, that's better. Now I can see the pictures of your bike. Nice looking bike. It appears real clean other than the P/O's detail painting. He must've been bored & had some left over red paint. LOL!

I'm a big fan of preserving the original paint & finish when they are in good shape. Are you sure that you want to re-paint that tank? It looks like a real beauty! Wish I had one that clean on my bike.



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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2014, 11:04:47 am »
Yes I'm sure  ;D
I don't like the red, metallic paint is not my thing, I like it flat. There's a small scratch/dent on the left side of the tank.
And I don't like stock :) The side panel on the right is broken so I'll have to repaint it anyway.

Yes the red detail painting is very strange. It's also not exactly the right red so that's even more annoying.
I just painted the headlight, now it's all black like it should be.
But an hour later a friend of mine helped me to put a new round headlight on it, ha!


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2014, 11:18:35 am »
Put a new small round headlight with a yellow lens on it.
Removed the horn to make it fit. Will try to relocate the horn.
Still have to find a new way to attach the front blinkers and to lower the meters


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2014, 01:36:50 pm »
Coming along nicely! Man they even got the rotor with that red stuff huh? :)

1984 VT500FT - WIP


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2014, 04:56:27 pm »
Yes, that will be probably the last thing that I will paint black :)

I was staring at my motorcycle for an hour or so, something I always do when I'm thinking about my custom plans. And then all of a sudden I saw a key hole..
I thought what the heck is that? Since everything on the engine is painted black I did not see the hidden toolbag, super cool. Looks like all the original tools are still inside!

Will post a picture of it tomorrow!


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2014, 05:54:51 pm »
Pics from today
You Meet the Nicest People on a Honda

paint it black

My friend Zoran gave me this nice vintage tractor light and helped me to mount it on the bike.
I removed the horn to make it fit. It's a little of center. I'm not sure if I like it or not.
Tried to lower the meter but I need new cables to do that. maybe I'll just try to find an other option

It works :)


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2014, 09:54:17 pm »
And then all of a sudden I saw a key hole..
I thought what the heck is that? Since everything on the engine is painted black I did not see the hidden toolbag, super cool. Looks like all the original tools are still inside!

Will post a picture of it tomorrow!

Ha! I just recently had the same experience. :)
1984 VT500FT - WIP


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #17 on: September 01, 2014, 06:35:40 am »
Yesterday the Numbnuts organized a ride out from Amsterdam to Utrecht.
Just before we arrived in Utrecht my cooling system started boiling and all the cooling fluid flushed out on the street...! :(
During the ride I had noticed the engine started to get rather hot but the temp meter was not in the red, just a little over half way...?
I had a similar experience a few days ago but then it was only little fluid coming from the overflow reservoir. When that happened I called the previous owner and he said he recently refilled the cooling system so he thought that he put maybe to my in the system and that the overflow reservoir was emptied.
This time it was steaming hot!

So I'll have to find out what's wrong with the cooling system.

Here are some picture's of the ride yesterday
Pics from Shed Built Bikes.


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #18 on: October 21, 2014, 06:57:58 am »
Saturday I chopped my front fender. To remove the front fender I had to remove the front wheel. I used an empty beer crate and a piece of wood to lift the Ascot.

First I made a guide line with a marker. With a grinder I made the rough shape, with a file I made the final shape and in the end I used sandpaper to clean it up and to make it smooth.
Then I painted it black with a rattle can.

On Sunday I drilled some speed holes in the stock foot peg bracket and repainted the footpegs
I'm not super stocked to be honest. I think I should have used a bigger drill.
As you can see my Hagon rear shocks need some attention.


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #19 on: October 21, 2014, 07:12:52 am »
A week ago I bought a second hand mirror and rear fender at motorsloop Wegman Motoren in Aalsmeer.
I had to cut of some pieces and drilled some holes to make the fender fit.
The mirror was rusty so it needed some attention. Sandpaper did the trick.

The handle bar that I mounted some weeks ago was crooked so I needed an other one.
My good friend Zoran sponsored me a nice gold anodized Rental thinwall handle bar.
I did not like the gold so again I did the sandpaper workout. I think it almost took me 3 hours to get rid of the gold but now it's looking fresh!

A few weeks ago I lost my Ascot keys at Goodwood so I needed a new ignition lock. The stock ignition lock is a pain in the ass.
You can't reach it when you're wearing gloves so I decided to relocate the new ignition switch to the left side.
I made a small bracket from a piece of metal. Drilled 5 holes in it with my biggest drill and with a iron file I made the big hole that I needed to fit the ignition switch.
Took me almost an hour to make that hole but I managed, ha!

The new rear light is a vintage Hella (bicycle?) light that I bought some years ago.
Dimitri from Super Motor co. helped me to convert it to 3 LED lights.
If I would have used the normal fitting I would have to drill a hole in the fender to make room for the fitting and it did not have a stop light function.
Chris Dekker welded the little anus under the headlight, thanks Chris :)

Now I just need a license plate bracket to get it on the road again


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #20 on: October 22, 2014, 04:52:44 am »

Anybody home? :-\


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #21 on: October 22, 2014, 04:53:37 am »
Thanks for all the reply's guys! :)
This sure is one active forum, hahaa


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #22 on: October 22, 2014, 09:02:09 am »
Most of the USA members are putting their bikes up for the winter & preparing for the holidays. Some of the guys who live down south & the southwest are entering into some of the best riding weather in their areas.

I was curious as to why you are removing the nice body panels & fenders & then replacing them with older pieces?

Good luck


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #23 on: October 27, 2014, 05:47:51 am »
This is the modified to full customs topic right?  :D So modified it will be!
I think the ascot is the perfect canvas for a full custom project. Like I showed in my previous posts the plan is to make a oldskool scrambler out of it.
I like the vt500ascot frame, the tank, the wheels, the engine, the exhaust. The rest I don't like so much so that's why I'm changing it.
I don't like the plastic square look so most of the plastic is going away.


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Re: Project VTAscot500
« Reply #24 on: October 27, 2014, 08:53:36 am »
I have to say... I think it looked better when you first bought the bike. How is that yellow light at night time?

Good luck