Author Topic: What timing mark on the flywheel do you see?  (Read 20551 times)


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What timing mark on the flywheel do you see?
« on: October 24, 2014, 12:01:58 am »
My Honda factory manual says the timing mark on on my flywheel to line up is a "T"...... I'm not seeing a "T" anywhere....I see this "I  I" (two straight marks) and then about 1/8 of a revolution past is what looks like this "I  f"............Bad eyes on my part maybe, but does anyone/everyone else see the "T" timing mark on the flywheel Honda mentions?


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Re: What timing mark on the flywheel do you see?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2014, 09:10:27 am »
I can't see anything, as I can't remove the access plug. The slot is all boogered up.

Anyone know of any tricks to removing that plug?



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Re: What timing mark on the flywheel do you see?
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2014, 11:36:27 am »
I had the same issue on this bike. I actually asked an experienced Honda mechanic and he said "whack it with a hammer"....How unique!

I used a nickel in a pair of vice grips to get the timing mark cover off after squirting with liquid wrench. The flywheel cover (larger one) was tougher. I had to liquid wrench and PB blast it for several days and then I took a brass hammer and tapped (not a whack) it on the face several times too. I finally got it off via a large screw driver without any detectable buggering. Once they were off, each had a ring of "gook" that looked like it had acted like a glue keeping each from turning. I wasn't the threads themselves. but various items that had settled into the groove/space where the actual covers seat against the case.

I think the key is breaking that "natural glue" ring that seems to seep into the seating area on those......and probably something more along the lines of a solvent would speed up the process that I'll use next time, and I'm sure there be a next time on one or more of my others!


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Re: What timing mark on the flywheel do you see?
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2014, 12:10:24 pm »
A small dab of anti-sieze will prevent that from happening again.
