Author Topic: on the road  (Read 32783 times)


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on the road
« on: April 19, 2015, 06:09:22 pm »
Just curious as to what it takes to get a motorcycle/ car on the road in U.S. Over here in the U.K If buying new from a shop/dealer most motorcycles/cars are subject to V.A.T (Value added Tax) currently running at 20%. Then the car/cycle need registering with the D.V.L.A (Driver,vehicle licensing,agency) . This gets you a age related  registration plate and a V5 document commonly known as a "log book" this has all the detail about the car/cycle - owners name and address engine size, colour emissions last owners details and number of previous owners etc etc. Then the car/cycle needs taxing (road tax), this is a rolling scale depending on engine size and emissions (£0 for green energy cars to £400+ for the gas guzzlers). Cars/cycles can be taxed for 6 months or 12 months at a time.starting from the month you purchase car/cycle. If buying new all of this is normally done by shop/dealer and included in the final price.Then you need vehicle insurance - 3 levels over here 3rd party only, TPFT (3rd party, fire and theft) and Fully comprehensive. prices depend on age, drivers licence, convictions, claims , area you live etc. That's more or less it for a new car/cycle.
If the car/cycle is more that 3 years old you also require a M.O.T (Ministry of transport) this is a road worthiness type document and runs for 12 months, this required along with insurance to tax the vehicle
I've stopped fighting the demons in my head, we're both on the same side now


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Re: on the road
« Reply #1 on: June 23, 2015, 02:02:58 pm »
I know this is kind of an old post but who knows:
I can't speak for the rest of the states but in Texas its pretty simple. You need a title of ownership, pretty straightforward official documentation, Proof of insurance and you need to pass state inspection. This includes working head/ taillights, signals and horn. The also check for tire tread wear. Last is emissions (for cars/ tucks only) this varies a bit depending on what city you live in, here in Dallas its more strict then somewhere 50 miles west. But bike are so small they don't need to pass emissions (same goes for cars 25+ years old.

So yeah simple assuming you bought your car from a dealer you pretty much show up to an inspection shop, flash the lights and beep the horn and they send you on your way. I do know Kentucky doesn't even have vehicle inspections, if you can get a couch with a motor running you can drive it.... I saw some seriously busted up cars there.