In my opinion. ... i would have left the bike the way you purchased it. Very clean and well kept by the photo, but i understand personalizing and tailoring to what you want to see. That bike was alot cleaner then mine .... and mine was in decent condition for it's age, and I'm the third owner.
Assuming it sat for a while you might want to give the brake system a check and possibly a rebuilding. Seals don't keep and neither does brake fluid, old fluid is not good. Since your looking into fork oil those 30 yr + fork springs might not be up to the task anymore. And at 10 K on that motor might want to peel the clutch cover off and check the balance shaft tensioner. ... if i recall it's around the time for adjustment as well as valve lash.
Better yet, do all the necessary routine maintenance before you go modifying the bike any further..... otherwise we all know what happens to a motor when things aren't kept in working order and then throwing power modifications at it.