First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

Cylinder head removal

(1/2) > >>


I try to remove the cylinder heads to change the gaskets that have dried.

How do we remove them without removing all the engine? What's the easiest way to do it?


Jeremie  ;D

Sorry, I meant the "valve covers" / "cam cover".

The number 1.

You have a VT500? There is a different tech section for them. If you had an FT500 I could help...

Yeah, I just noticed that I posted in the wrong tech section ... Sorry about that.

I'll hijack this thread a little bit.
My Ft motor is leaking, seems to between the head an the cylinder and cylinder and block. And around the left side cover.
The side cover I can do with removing the the engine from the frame I guess, But to remove the cylinder, do I need to lift the engine? I have a new set of gaskets laying around.
And while I have my engine opened is there anything you guys recommend looking at, and maybe replace while I'm at it? 


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