Author Topic: Covered Bridge Tour... short version.  (Read 36741 times)

war bird radio

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Covered Bridge Tour... short version.
« on: September 08, 2015, 09:14:27 pm »
Since I haven't posted on here for some time I thought I'd show you photos I took in the last couple days....
I did a mini Covered Bridge Tour.

All these bridges are within 15 miles of my house... There are a more farther south of me but it would be a two day ride to get most....And most covered bridges in the State of Oregon are in Linn & Lane Counties. There's a couple in Marion Co. and a few scattered around other counties.

Some day, perhaps I'll make a wider tour...

Starting up Thomas Creek in the foot hills of the Cascade Mts. is Hanna Covered Bridge. Built 1936.

View of Thomas Creek from the Hanna bridge.

Down stream about 10 miles is Shimanek Covered Bridge. Built 1962.

To the west on Crabtree Creek is Hoffman Covered Bridge. Built 1936.

Down stream on Crabtree Creek is Gilkey Covered Bridge. Built 1939.

East and way upstream on Crabtree Creek is Larwood Covered Bridge tucked in the foot hills of the Cascade Mts. Built 1939.

Last is the Stayton/Jordan Covered Bridge close to home. It's also the newest covered bridge built in 1998.

On a different note but interesting none the less and in the same area I was touring, is 1 million volt test transmission line. It was built in the mid '70s but decommissioned in the '80s. It ran 1.2 million volts on 8 conductors per phase.

Here is where it originated. All the switch gear and transformers have been removed.
In the background is a standard HV line tower next to the Super HV tower.

Another photo comparing the difference in the Super HV line and standard HV line. This is a couple miles up the line. I think it went about 5 miles.

Anyway, I ride around here quite a bit. There's a lot of beautiful scenery and interesting sites tucked back in the hills.


« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 10:49:12 pm by war bird radio »

war bird radio

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Re: Covered Bridge Tour... short version.
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2015, 10:44:27 pm »
And my FT500 touring bike.


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Re: Covered Bridge Tour... short version.
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2015, 10:32:58 am »
That's some nice country! You must be on the east side of the Cascades.


war bird radio

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Re: Covered Bridge Tour... short version.
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2015, 03:00:08 pm »
Actually just south of you close to the Santiam River.

Most of these bridges are in Linn Co. with one in Marion. Sorry if that wasn't clear.