Author Topic: Rear master cylinder rebuild problem.  (Read 23572 times)


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Rear master cylinder rebuild problem.
« on: November 07, 2015, 05:19:12 pm »
Hello I could use some help here. I rebuilt my rear master cylinder on my 82 FT500 and can not get the rear brake to bleed. As far as I can tell I followed the correct reassembly steps.
 I have fluid up to the master but for whatever reason it is not going through the cylinder. I have tried ever method I can think of to bleeding the system. I even tried to bleed using a vacuum bleeder, still nothing. Does anyone have any ideas of what the problem could be? I could really use some help here. I am so close to having this bike to get on the road again but can not seem to get the rear brakes to work.


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Re: Rear master cylinder rebuild problem.
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2015, 12:56:31 pm »
have you got the seal in the master cyl in backwards? don't know if that is possible.I had a problem with one of my dirt track bikes that was just like yours but was getting fluid at the caliper but would not bleed out well .what I wound up doing was putting the caliper below the master cylinder with the brake line straight up and down then opened the bleeder and let the fluid run through and not pumping the brake like  normal.This let all the air rise to the top of the master cylinder and some came out the bleed valve too.Have bleed hundres of calipers this was the first time I tried this out of desperation and it worked,


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Re: Rear master cylinder rebuild problem.
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2015, 11:25:33 am »
I had the same problem after overhauling my rear- After trying a bunch of different things with no success, I bought a brake bleeder kit, the pump is reversible so I set it on "suck" & pulled the fluid through and then it started bleeding. Good luck, Lefty