Author Topic: Ft500 Chatter  (Read 23686 times)


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Ft500 Chatter
« on: February 09, 2016, 01:45:49 am »
I have a 82' Ascot, it's been a real good bike for my dad and so on until my brother got a hold of it and ran it like he was on a dam moto gp track. Nonetheless I brought it back to live after ten years to come to find out it has a loud chatter where the cam tensioner and clutch is located. I have no clue what I should do next I've been told to crack open the right crankcase cover which I did and a vary vague diagnosis. Nothing really out of the ordinary that I could notice. I'm open too really anything at this point, all I have too offer you is a couple pictures I took while it was apart, let me know if they might be helpful unless you can diagnose it without them.


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Re: Ft500 Chatter
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2016, 02:59:57 pm »
First things first...  Pick up a service manual.

Your pictures did not show up. I'm guessing that the timing chain/camshaft chain has become loose & needs to be tensioned correctly. By any chance was the bike ever run low on oil, or not had the oil changed regularly?

Good luck


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Re: Ft500 Chatter
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2016, 11:57:58 pm »
I do indeed have a service manual, but I don't really see anything to the topic of actual problems like the one I have. When I was taking off the right crankcase cover I had to obviously drain the oil, and it was just nasty and pitch black. But I was told I would be able to reach the cam tensioner to possibly remove it or inspect it and as I was inspecting it the lock I think more towards the front of the engine, was not putting any pressure on that spring which I'm assuming is or was the problem but before I put new fresh oil back in I wanted to make sure it was it. And pictures, I have some if you would like too look over them. And the oil, at the bottom of the block there was metal shavings.