I've just received some custom panels I had sprayed by a reputable local paintshop I have no reason to doubt. They used a two pack paint from a company here in the UK called RS Bike Paint which was listed as Candy Bourgogne Red for a 1985 Ascot (they didn't list earlier years, but mine is a 1983 bike). And as you can see from the photos, it is MUCH darker than the stock panels. There was no sticker on the rear fender with the paint code on when I bought the bike, but I was told it was R107cu.
Because Ascots are so rare in the UK, I've never seen another red one, so don't know if at some point my bike was re-painted in a lighter colour before I imported it from the USA. Can anyone tell me if this looks like the case, and/or if the darker panel (the one just painted) IS in fact R107cu?

I'd be very grateful for this info as I'm now in dispute with RS who will not refund my money nor supply the 'correct' paint.

Cheers – Markysimon