I'm Hans and I live in the Netherlands. I recently bought a FT500 with the intention to build a tracker.
However it was in a very good and original state so I'm not sure now. I really like the looks and it rides so nice.
Things I did in the first place:
-new tires
-new rear shocks (i read the original are rubbish on this forum)
-new oil in the front fork
-the head was leaking some oil, just fixed it but not good enough so I think I have to place some helicoils.
-Jama aftermarket exhaust replaced for an original exhaust. with a little bump but that also will be fixed, looks so much better with the original muffler.
-new chain set (still a 15 teeth sprocket so maybe replace it for a 17 teeth)
-replaced the brake lines for Hell steel ones. Front line is in backorder. The rear brake now brakes uhhm a little bit better. ;-)
Thanks to this forum I just ordered for a normal price new jets at race-replace.
So I'm happy with the Ascot. I also have a XL500R wich is a bike that stays for ever.
Some pics:
When I just bought it:

After some work: