Author Topic: Cafe FT500  (Read 28209 times)


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Cafe FT500
« on: August 31, 2013, 03:45:41 pm »

I just picked this bike up last weekend. The starter is definitely having issues, but I plan on going the kickstarter route and getting rid of the battery all together anyway. I also picked up a spare engine super cheap and will be going through that one and doing all the suggested mods, adding the kickstart, and maybe boring it out just a bit. I am thinking the .5mm Wiseco kit, but will be looking into that more. I figure I might as well as long as I have it apart and at a machine shop. The guy I bought it from didn't know too much about it, but it has received SS brake lines and a K&N filter at some point. I havent cracked it open, and probably wont until the other engine is finished and swapped this coming spring. I will also be extending the seat to make it a two seater again. I like the cafe look, but the seat is done pretty poorly and I like being able to bring a friend along. I am pretty new to working on bikes, I had a KLR 650 a few years ago that I did basic maintenance on, but this will be my first real overhaul of a bike.


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Re: Cafe FT500
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 01:13:55 am »
Anyone know of a good machine shop in Oakland/the East Bay that I could get in contact with about working on the new engine/ I am thinking kickstart/decompression valve/540cc overbore. A shop with experience working on the Ascot engine would be ideal.