First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

Rear brake master cylinder

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Good work.

Hi all!
New here. Rebuilding a rust pile found outside a car mechanics...
Had almost the same problem, Cracked the caliper trying to get the seized air vent screw out...
So, the cbr 600 brake - although not looking the same - not being a double piston brake, fits fine except the issue w cables and reservoir?
Are there other rear brakes that might fit?


Oh, sorry! Found the info needed in this superb forum:)
At least I realize that there is a difference between master cylinder and caliper.
Tech english is not my best. Living in sweden.
I will probably check in later with more questions and hopefully some answers too.


I'm running a 2007 EX250 (250 Ninja) rear master cylinder on my FT500.  I made an adaptor with a piece of 1/4" aluminum plate:  cut out a parallelogrammy shape, drilled four holes, and mounted it up.  The master cylinder mounts to two of the holes, the other two fasten the adaptor to the threaded tabs on the frame (which held the OEM master cylinder).

$20 for the master cylinder and $10 for the aluminum, plus a couple hours of time.  Maybe more work than you're willing to do, but it's working well on my bike!


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