First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

front brake master cylinder

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Hi - looking for source of front brake master cylinder that has the correct 10m bolt hole for mirror.
Many on ebay with brake line banjo bolt facing forward like the stock one but they all seem to have 8m bolt hole for mirror.
Others with banjo bolt pointed parallel to handlebar seem to have correct mirror bolt hole but are larger bore 16mm - don't think that would make a difference?. 
Any experience with these units?  Mine is beyond rebuild.  (sorry for double posting - inadvertently put it second generation tech section.) 

For the FT Ascot, or the VT Ascot?

Here is one option for the single cylinder FT500 Ascot:


I used a master cylinder from a Ducati Monster for my FT500 Ascot with a dual disk brake CBR600 front-end.
The original Ascot mirror fit perfect.

Don't know how well it might work with a single disk.


Found a new unit on ebay that had the correct 10M bolt hole for the mirror.
$29 from MegaCtore.
The listing specifically said it had the 10M mirror bolt hole.
There are a lot of similar items on ebay but most don't specify bolt hole size and some at least are 8M.
Chinese made copy of OEM unit and seems well made.  Price fit my "get'r on the road" approach to project.

What is the piston bore diameter?



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