First Generation Ascots > Tech Section

Starter remains enganged after start - custom wiring circuit - HELP please

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Michael Back:
Good day everyone...

I am about to finish my scrambler edition of the FT500. I have made a very simple wiring harness - reference is made to the attached photos.
I have kept the CDI unit because I had to - but I skipped the "Starter control unit" and here comes the trouble; I connected the two Solenoid wires from the starter engangement arrangement to the main starter relay Circuit. In other words - when the main starter relay enganges, the starter gets power at the same time as the starter gear engagement solenoid gear. This works and the engine fires right up.
Problem is that the solenoid engangement gear ramains enganged for approximately 5 seconds - and this sound is killing me. I fear that it was a mistake to leave out the "Starter control unit" in case it does something special other than connecting and disconnecting the Solenoid cirquit.

Question: Does anyone have an idea whether the "Starter control unit" has a special function that ensures quick disengangement of the starter gear, once the starter button is released ?
What could be the reason that the starter gear remains enganged after the button is released ? As far as I remember - that was not the case before I started the build.

Really hope that someone can help. In case some of you knows someone in the forum that I could contact seperately, that would be able to assist - please let me know.

Thanks in advance !

Michael Back - Copenhagen, Denmark

Try the  Yahoo Ascot FT500 Enthusiasts Group:

Sign up & look into the Files section. The owner of that group is real sharp on electrical, etc.

Good luck

Michael, I suspect the starter motor is acting as a generator as it coasts to a stop, preventing the gear engagement solenoid from releasing. If this is the case, inserting a diode in the engagement solenoid wire should fix it.
As far as the starter control unit, my best guess is that it delays the operation of the engagement solenoid until the starter gear has had time to shift out on the Bendix as the starter spins up to speed? 

Michael Back:
Dear Scottly.

Thanks for your reply - much appreciated.

Your explanation sounds right and it´s worth a try. I remember sitting for a long time looking at a diode in the original wire harness - wondering what the purpose could be - while ripping it a part.

I´m going to try this out and get back to you.

Just to get it clear; the Diode are to be inserted on the + side of the Solenoid circuit, right ?

All the best.


Michael Back:
Just an idea @ Scottly:

Would it be an idea to let the Solenoid Circuit be minus(-) switched instead ? Then when the starter (-) button is released, the circuit is broken and even though the starter motor generates voltage, it will not keep the solenoid enganged, since there is no minus.... ??


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