Author Topic: Possible overheating issues  (Read 47589 times)


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Possible overheating issues
« on: June 04, 2018, 11:34:29 pm »
Hello fellow Ascot owners. I need some advice. My 84 seems to be running hotter then normal and I was wondering if other owners are having this issue:

After riding for 20 minutes the engine is very hot and I can easily feel heat radiating around my legs and torso. Heat also radiates underneath the gas tank which probably is just because the engine is hot. It takes a few hours after the bike is off for the bike to finally cool.

Other items worth mentioning
- Radiator fan does function but just doesn’t cool the v-twins in a timely manner.
- Coolant levels look good. Replaced last year.
- Overflow does what it should and as needed releases excess fluid.
- Radiator fluid is at the top - when removed (yes when cool) fluid remains at the top level.
- Temperature gauge no longer functions so I’m unable via the gauge to monitor the temperature.
- Recent oil change had no effect.
- Radiator grill has been cleaned, no obstructions.

Perhaps the high temperature is just normal as I’m riding more then I usually have but the heat does seem excessive so I wanted to get the forums opinion. The bike runs strong however my fear is that if she runs this hot a more severe issue could develop. Hopefully it’s not the water pump as that is beyond my technical ability.

Please share your ideas. Tu.

« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 09:46:05 am by osharke »


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2018, 09:09:26 am »
Thanks for the info. However what I’m looking for is some sage advice on if this overheating issue has occurred on your bikes and what was the resolution? The temp gauge is a minor issue (for now) .. the heating of the engine is paramount. I have parts for the temp gauge already including the temp sensor switch but I know that’s not it as the bike will still overheat. I just don't want to ride her anymore till I get this resolved.

Just wondering if/when your bikes have overheated and your cylinder head is a hot as Kilauea what did you do to diagnose the issue?  Lets say the Water Pump goes out? What about a failure in the oil pump? Maybe the thermostat is not closing? How do you know? These is what I'm trying to have answered. Hopefully its not those key parts, but I just need some more info so I can try to pinpoint the issue.

Please let me know your overheating delimma stories please and your outcome. I would appreciate any/all input to my request.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 09:34:26 am by osharke »


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2018, 09:14:13 am »
Thanks for the info. However what I’m looking for is some saged advice on if this ovenheating issue has occurred on your bikes and what was the resolution. The temp gauge is a minor issue .. the heating of the engine is paramount. I have parts for the temp gauge already but I know that’s not it as the bike will still overheat.

Please let me know your overheating delimas stories please and your outcome.

Exactly how hot is the engine coolant temperature?



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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2018, 09:45:17 am »
Thanks J6G1Z for the reply and your interest. Unfortunately I don't have the infrared/thermal device to provide you with those details (yet). All I can say is that the upper cylinder heads (engine itself) are really hot and I don't feel that is normal.

As for testing the coolant temperature, god help me. I would assume you could check this at the overflow bottle but that may be problematic as I'm sure its way hot. Certainty I will never remove the radiator cap when she is boiling mad.

My apologies, I'm just not that good of a mechanic. I'm very good at the basics but when it comes down to motorcycle coolant systems I'm such a novice. I'm trying to locate a good mechanic (Denver) but its becoming difficult for anybody to want to work on these classic bikes. I have the service manuals and the like, but somethings are just outside of my comfort range. I've learned a lot and I believe that is a prerequisite if you want to keep these classic bikes on the road.

Thanks again for providing the guidance you have thus far.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2018, 03:54:27 pm by osharke »


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2018, 06:10:59 pm »
Check your thermostat is opening. You will have to remove it and put in a pot of cold water over the stove/BBQ and heat it up to see if it opens with the increased temp. A thermometer in the water will tell you what temp it opens at. Unless it looks new I would be replacing it to be sure anyway.
Second thing to check is coolant flow. Take the radiator cap off with the engine cold and start the engine. As the coolant heats up the thermostat should open and you will see the coolant moving past the cap opening. If no movement then you will have to investigate further for blockages or pump problems.
Let us know what you find.


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2018, 06:20:40 pm »
So it’s a blown head gadget. I’m so sad as this repair is major and not in my comfort zone. Hmm 🤔 looks like I’m going to either donate, sell as is and or part her out. The later would bring great 👍 joy to the Ascot community as the items on my bike are in prestine condition (well except the engine ☹️)

Look for that info soon. Thanks 🙏 forum.


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #7 on: June 10, 2018, 12:58:31 pm »
Why not pay someone a couple hundred and have a nice bike again.


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2018, 04:10:43 pm »
Thanks smcohio if were just a $200 that would not be an issue. However the typical cost of replacing a head gasket for these bikes is around $1200+ plus other "possible" ancillary work that may be needed which could easily increase the cost.

The engine needs to be removed in order to perform the work --- labor is the big deal. Also once the engine has been removed, at that time you also need to perform routine maintenance (repair/replace as needed) on other ancillary items (water pump, oil pump, i.e) to ensure everything is in proper working order before the bike is put back together  -- more cash probably will be needed. 

Bottom-line I'm anticipating $1500 to do the work, whereas I feel the bike is in excellent shape and could easily command 3K when running well, I'm just not sure it's worth it....after all the bike is 34 years old and really belongs in a museum then on the road. I have an offer to do just that, hence why putting more money into her is in question. Just one's mans opinion.

For the record, even though I really do believe it is a head gasket issue (white smoke spewing out of the exhaust is the dead give away), I'm calling in an experience mechanic to get a second opinion to see if the bike is salvageable. It is my understanding (hopefully crossing fingers) that sometimes the white smoke could be from the bike running to rich -- but it is a long shot. Regardless, I'm not given up on her yet and hopefully I'm just a bad mechanic and I have miss-diagnose the issue.

BTW, if indeed the engine is dead, I will donate her to the museum. However because she has some rare parts (Hondaline luggage rack, riffle faring i.e) I will probably offer them to this forum. I have a attached a YouTube link so you can see them for yourself.

1984 Honda VT500 Ascot

Thanks Forum......
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 06:38:06 pm by osharke »


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2018, 07:18:20 pm »
Perform a compression test.



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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2018, 05:31:48 am »
What a bummer to see a bike in that good of shape go out.


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2018, 01:07:17 pm »
Sent you a PM.


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Re: Possible overheating issues
« Reply #12 on: June 19, 2018, 10:41:34 pm »
Forum -- Good news my head gasket is not blown after-all. Best news ever! The core issue was fouled up carburetors (never been cleaned) precipitated by a buildup of sentiments and dirt in the tank. My mechanic will be performing a carb rebuild and tank cleanse which will resolve this issue.

The white smoke I saw alarmed me as it clearly pointed to a blown head gasket. However what puzzled me was that after she warmed up, the smoke was gone and she ran like a dream.  Turns out the white smoke actually was more brown --- my mechanic said that this was caused by dirty carbs and and over rich air-to-fuel mixture; essentially burning fuel and not oil.  Whew!

The take away, don't go crazy on the Internet and go down the wrong path --- just remain calm use your resources, seek out experience and if your not comfortable with the repairs yourself ....just hire a damn mechanic.

As for overheating issues, turns out there where a myriad of issues. One(1) bad radiator cap, two(2) bad overflow cap (crack) and dry-rotted connector tubes and three(3) yes, this forum got it, bad thermostat. All is well, now I just have to get a new temperature gauge. I'll send a question on that topic on my other thread.

My personal thanks to all whom have responded and have assisted. Special thanks to J6G1Z, Bucko and Murdo for responding quickly and easing my mind.  I'm so relieved that my red beauty will be back in action soon and very anxious to once again get the thrill that only the VT500 Ascot can deliver.

Thank you Forum
« Last Edit: June 20, 2018, 10:01:51 am by osharke »