Author Topic: Bike Not Starting Consistently  (Read 32908 times)


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Bike Not Starting Consistently
« on: June 19, 2018, 11:08:11 pm »
Recently replaced the battery, sat for a bit. Put it on the trickle for a few days and it was at full charge; when I went to start the bike, it didn't turn over. However, when I connect it to the car, and it's plugged in, bike starts no problem. I let it run for a while and then try to start it, it won't turn over. Stays on when I actually ride it.


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Re: Bike Not Starting Consistently
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2018, 09:18:11 am »
Battery could be bad but I would check your wire terminals first.


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Re: Bike Not Starting Consistently
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2018, 08:56:35 pm »
Poor ground connections cause all sorts of problems.  I'd check that first.  It's not unknown for brand new batteries to be shit - I've had a bad one - lasted only a few weeks.  Spent a long time trying to figure out what was wrong based on the misguided assumption it coudnl't be the 'new' battery.