Author Topic: Starter pinion gear--PLZ help  (Read 28308 times)


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Starter pinion gear--PLZ help
« on: March 30, 2014, 09:10:57 am »
hello  So does anyone know where to find a pinion gear for my 82 FT500?  I cant find one for under 300.  If I dont find one I am going to part it out because its no use to me if I cant get it going.

Thanks James 


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Re: Starter pinion gear--PLZ help
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2014, 09:59:15 am »

I don't know of any sources other than watching eBay. You might also want to subscribe to the Yahoo FT500 Users Group & post an inquiry on their board. It automatically sends out an e-mail to approximately 1K FT500 Ascot owners. Here is a link to the group:

Please don't give up on the bike as they are truly a great bike to ride. Have you tried bump starting it in second gear? That is less than optimal, but you should be able to at least ride it that way. I sure wish Honda had included a kick starter as a back up starter. I guess they were confident enough in the electric starter.

Have you checked the "Classified" section on this forum? I think there was one or two bikes being parted out a while back. Meanwhile. I'll keep an eye on my eBay search & send you a PM if I find a starter or pinion gear.

Good luck
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 10:11:44 am by J6G1Z »


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Re: Starter pinion gear--PLZ help
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2014, 10:10:31 am »

Is this the part that you need?

I tried an eBay search using "Honda FT500 Ascot starter pinion gear". I see where the other parts are in the $300+ range! Seems like a case of price gouging as the part doesn't look like it should cost that much. If that is the part you need, I would try to find an auction with a "Make Offer" option available & make them an offer for half of the listed price. Then they will either decline your offer, counter your offer, or hopefully accept your offer.

Good luck & please let us know how it goes for you.

PS. I put out a feeler for you on the Yahoo Ascot Group. I will PM you if I receive any response.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 10:32:25 am by J6G1Z »


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Re: Starter pinion gear--PLZ help
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2014, 07:29:46 pm »

Check your PM box.
