Well, it upset my jetting & I have been installing larger jets. I'm almost there, but still have a bit of a dead spot around 7K RPM. I bought a DynoJet kit & it cannot handle much modification to the air box. Once I have the jetting corrected I can share the jet sizes, but unfortunately DynoJet has their own jet sizing ID that does not correspond with Keihin jet sizes.
Cause Dynojet is a large commercial joke. All and nothing in their kits.
I know it to have turn their parts in all directions !

Between the dual exhaust & the air box clean up, there is much more air moving through the engine. I just need to add the appropriate amount of fuel.
One of the members from across the pond, says he is using two #125 Keihin jets. Which sounds about right. The OEM jetting was a #112 in the front cylinders carb & a #120 jet in the rear cylinders carb.
I will update when I have more information.
You're talking about me !

In the carbs of the Europe VT500E, not the same OEM jetting. ! OEM is 118 in front and 125 in rear.
In the carbs of the VT500C (shadow) same OEM jetting than Vt-Ascot.
VT500C et VT500E have not the same final transmission. (more longuer on the VT5E > top speed higher)
I ask me the question to know if the VT-Ascot have the final transmission of the VTE or the VTC ?About your case John, in my VT5E I put two 125 jets, but my airbox is OEM. Just a homemade foam filter.
With your airbox like that, I think jets must be higher than that. Probably like 2x130.