Author Topic: New FT500 owner with some tech questions  (Read 31952 times)


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New FT500 owner with some tech questions
« on: December 05, 2016, 11:09:42 am »
Hi all, I just picked up an FT500 for $200, and probably overpaid. I am trying to decide if it's worth restoring. I have a couple tech questions and would love feedback on my plans.

1) I saw on the FAQ that "In addition to the notoriously weak starter on the Ascot, the threads for the headbolts are guaranteed to strip." Is this referring to the head bolts or the valve cover bolts? Because when I took the valve cover off, sure enough, one of the bolts stripped the threads out. Anyone know what the torque is for these bolts?

2) Since the engine is so similar to an XR/XL500, is a shop manual for those bikes applicable to this engine? Obviously not for the starter mechanism, but for everything else?

I originally bought the bike to chop/bob it, but have since changed my mind. I know these bikes are not valuable as collector's items, but they are scarce enough, and if people keep chopping them up I figure one day they'll be pretty rare. So my plan is to restore it, with these modifications (thanks to the forum for suggesting them!)

* Rejet
* Replace air filter with green foam
* Aftermarket pipe (maybe this one?
* 16 tooth front sprocket

Does it make sense to go with a 520 chain/sprocket? I've seen this suggested, but usually when using a Hurricane rear wheel. Is there a direct replacement 520 sprocket for the Ascot wheel?

I have a hard upper limit of $1000 for this project and I am hoping to get maximum bang for the buck. I will also need tires, a new seat cover, a battery, so those eat into the total. Any comments?



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Re: New FT500 owner with some tech questions
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2016, 11:21:21 am »
I have not had any problems with stripped threads, yet. Be careful during disassembly & use an anti-seize upon reassembly.

There is a link to FT500 service manuals in the sticky section.

The Ascots do have value to those who want them. Once they are cut up or re-painted, the value is usually gone.

If your chain & sprockets are worn & need to be replaced, I would consider the 520 series.

Buy high quality tires & a USA manufactured AGM sealed battery. The FT needs a strong battery.

Good luck


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Re: New FT500 owner with some tech questions
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2016, 10:47:35 am »
Thanks for the reply. I'll pick up a manual from Helm, unless someone out there has a manual they don't need anymore.

At this time the bike is completely apart except for the engine lower end (I probably won't split the cases since all looks well in there). Most of the starter components (pinion gear, case bushing) look good, but the lock mechanism looks so cheesy! The spring was missing, the pin was shot, and the whole thing looks like a 5th grade science project. I'll rebuild it, grease it up good and hope for the best.

As others have mentioned, the inner header pipes are rusted loose. If I cut them open and remove the inner pipes, how does that affect performance? Will an aftermarket muffler negate any affect it might have?

Thanks again!


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Re: New FT500 owner with some tech questions
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2016, 11:20:59 am »
 Hi SpuzzBunky, I have a pdf I can forward to you, I assume there is no legal reason "copy write maybe" why I can't do that. It is just a scanned copy of my original Honda manual and it was copied for the convenience of printing a page for the task in hand and it does not matter get covered in oil ect, you just print another! If it is legal to do I can post copy on this site.

Regards PaulE


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Re: New FT500 owner with some tech questions
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2016, 12:31:21 pm »
Don't know about the legality or possible copyright infringement issues. I'm "old-school" and believe that a printed manual that has been approved by the factory is a required tool.

I have noticed that the stock FT engine has more bottom end torque & better throttle response using the original head-pipes with the reduced diameter inner tubing. If the engine displacement is increased or a performance camshaft is installed, the larger diameter head-pipes are probably better.

When the inner tubing comes loose, they can often be repaired by drilling holes along the backside of the outer tubing & then welding the two together through the holes.

The only after-market mufflers that I am aware of, are the Cobra F1 tail pipe that was available shortly after the Ascot was released & are hard to find. Super-Trapp has a few models that can be made to work. EMGO has a couple of reverse megaphone type of mufflers that work well also. I recommend the two-piece model so you can re-pack the silencing material.

« Last Edit: December 10, 2016, 04:38:26 pm by J6G1Z »


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Re: New FT500 owner with some tech questions
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2016, 05:01:58 pm »

 The link above is for a Marving silencer available from a company in the UK called Wemoto. I know  nothing about the quality or finish, perhaps someone out there has purchased one and can advise. Sadly they don't appear to supply down pipes to match.

  Regards PaulE